Ranger Escort West of the Pecos (NOT Signed)
Ranger Escort West of the Pecos, 1965. Oil on Canvas, 36 X 52. HRHRC Art Collection, U.T. Austin.
© Catherine Lea Weeks
Print measures 12½″ x 17″ (Includes the white border around the image area)
The original oil painting was a gift to the State of Texas from C.R. Smith, Chairman of the Board of American Air Lines. Governor John B. Connally accepted the painting in 1965 for permanent display in the Governor's Office.
The two men in the foreground of the painting are Colonel George W. Baylor, left, and Sergeant J.B. Gillett, two illustrious figures in the colorful history of the Texas Rangers. This painting is also reproduced on the jacket of the new edition of the The Texas Rangers by Walter Prescott Webb, published by the University of Texas Press.